Syllabus (B.Sc (Ag.) IIIrd year)


(i) Poultry Management
(ii) Mushroo:n Cultivation
(iii) Elementary Crop Physiology
(iv) Farm Machinery and Power
(v) Farm Mgt. and Natural Resource Economics
(vi) Fundamentals of Extension Education and Rural Development
(vii) Post Harvest Mgt. & Processing of Fruits and Vegtables
(viii) Practical Crops Production-I


(i) Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture
(ii) Conservation and Management of Soil an Water Resources
(iii) Ornamental Horiculture
(iv) Environmental Science
(v) Silviculture & Agro Forestry
(vi) Seed Production and Processing Technology
(vii) Practical Crops Production II

Syllabus (B.Sc (Ag.) IVth year)


(i) General Economics
(ii) Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animals
(iii) Principles of Animal Nutrition
(iv) Element of Food Technology
(v) Human Food and Nutrition
(vi) Soil Taxonomy, Survey and remote Sensing
(vii) Production Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants


Rural Agricultural Work Experience
